This week is treatment 3/week 3 of the current immunotherapy/chemotherapy cycle. I was anxiously awaiting the bloodwork results today – clicking refresh on the City of Hope test results webpage every 15 minutes from about 1030 this morning. Last cycle my neutrophils had dropped below the acceptable range for treatment at this point. (Neutrophils: (NOO-troh-fil) A type of white blood cell that is an important part of the immune system and helps the body fight infection. When microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses, enter the body, neutrophils are one of the first immune cells to respond.)
But this time there is a plan! I got bloodwork done this 1st thing this morning, the results were rushed, and I stalked the website until about lunchtime. When I saw the absolute neutrophils were below the desired value, I immediately called City of Hope and about an hour and a half later I was booked in for an injection of Zarxio this afternoon. Zarxio is a drug that stimulates neutrophil production. It was an easy injection and interestingly enough the side effects (bone pain/aches) may be prevented by Claritin. I also had my bottle of Claritin ready and took that this afternoon as well.
Now we wait. The medical team want me to get bloodwork NET 20 hours after the injection, so I’ll get it done late tomorrow afternoon; it should be in by Thursday morning so that we can confirm the value ticked up enough for treatment Thursday afternoon.
I was excited at how smoothly it went relatively speaking. So, now, just crossing fingers and toes that the Zarxio does it’s thing well. I know a few people who have had something similar and this seems pretty standard and potentially not too terrible. We’ll see how it goes!
I’ve been feeling pretty good this week as it was a 1 drug treatment last week. I have been having trouble sleeping so I’m trying to work through that and will talk with the nurses about that on Thursday. My scalp also seems to be improving which is quite nice.
In my efforts to eat more protein I did something that most of you will find unremarkable but for me is quite remarkable. I ate a new food in bulk for a meal. For breakfast yesterday I had Greek yogurt and fruit. I don’t generally like yogurt, flavor, or texture, but I can’t argue with 16 g of protein in something that I can tolerate. Blue Apron has had us making sauces with Greek yogurt and I don’t mind them so I decided to try this. It wasn’t my favorite, but with the fruit and nuts I added it wasn’t the end of the world. I happily carbed it up today, but will return to try it again tomorrow. Wish me luck in new food adventures and trying to do something new and healthy!
Thank you to all of you for your continued words of support, check-ins, thoughts, prayers, rides, meals, and everything else you are doing for us…it all really does make a huge difference and we are grateful! Energy is a lot more limited than it used to be and all of these things either help refill our energy banks or help us get through the periods of low energy…thank you!
The now “standard” note at the end of posts for website navigation help:
Thank you for taking time to keep up with us and see how we’re doing as well as all the help! Because, I think like me, much of the world does nearly everything on their phones…I’m adding this note to the end of posts to make website navigation easier if you are on a phone. If you’d like to read other journal entries, please click here (oldest post is at the bottom of the page). There’s also a “hamburger” menu in the top right of the webpage that can help you navigate between the journal, ways to help page, stay in touch, and welcome pages. Please know that reading this page and thinking of us is help! Thank you for your support in all forms!
You are amazing!!! Keep the great attitude!!!