Surgery Went Well!

Hi Everyone. Thank you for following Kats blog and sending so many positive messages to her before surgery.

She is home and feeling good but very tired. The surgery took about 1.5 hours and then she spent a few hours in the recovery room. She had some nausea and those meds on top of the anesthesia mean she is pretty sleepy now.

The doctor said the surgery went well and all the tissue removed looked normal. As a matter of course, it was all sent to pathology and we should get those results in about 1.5 weeks.

Again, thank you all very much for your love and support!

9 thoughts on “Surgery Went Well!”

  1. ?
    So glad, so very glad. I am sure pathology will come back with no cancer detected.

    You are a tower of strength and positivity.

    I pray you never experience like this again.

    Love, : )ad

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