Surgery Time Change

Hi everyone, thank you so much for all of your support! I wanted to let you know that there has been a time change to my surgery. It’s now first thing in the morning on 6/19.

if you pray and/or send positive thoughts I would be most grateful for the following prayers, positive thoughts, and support on Monday the 19th and beyond.

  • Guidance of the entire surgical and hospital team that the surgery and hospital recovery will go well including particularly:
    • Bleeding is minimized
    • There is no infection
  • At 0700 PT on Monday, 6/19, I’d like to ask that you please envision wrapping me in blue blanket of love and peace so that I will be relaxed and calm as I enter surgery (Surgery is at 0730 PT)
  • A comfortable and swift recovery

I’m definitely feeling the nerves, my sleep has been “off” most of the week and I’m stressing about things that don’t make a lot of sense so I appreciate all of your positive and healing thoughts!

The now “standard” note at the end of posts for website navigation help:

Thank you for taking time to keep up with us and see how we’re doing as well as all the help!  Because, I think like me, much of the world does nearly everything on their phones…I’m adding this note to the end of posts to make website navigation easier if you are on a phone.  If you’d like to read other journal entries, please click here (oldest post is at the bottom of the page).  There’s also a “hamburger” menu in the top right of the webpage that can help you navigate between the journal, ways to help page, stay in touch, and welcome pages.   Please know that reading this page and thinking of us is help!   Thank you for your support in all forms! If you have any issues, please email [email protected].

1 thought on “Surgery Time Change”

  1. Kathryn, Nick and I will wrap you in a soft, warm blue blanket of peace and strength during and after your surgery. ❤️
    Mike will also be in our prayers. ❤️

    We pray for the best possible outcome from the surgery with skilled doctors and staff, promoting your healing and recovery.

    As I have learned: calm, patience and trust.

    You have such a team of cheerleaders praying for you! We are all here with so much love for you both. ❤️?❤️

    Aunt Anne and Uncle Nick

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